Monday 22 August 2016

Move with GPS Enabled Insoles for Smart Shoes

Insoles for Smart Shoes

Have you ever thought of a shoes that will show you the way to your destination? Just feed your destination on your shoes and it will help you to reach your destination.

An Indian start-up is promising to do the same in real life with some new, GPS-enabled smart shoe insoles “Lechal” that vibrates to give the wearer directions.

These insoles will also count the number of steps taken, distance travelled and calories burned. Lechal’s smart insoles can be trimmed to fit any shoe making them unisex and very practical. They contain the Lechal pod, which is the connected device also used in their line of shoes. The pod come with a detachable Bluetooth transceiver that links to a smartphone app to direct the wearer using Google maps, sending a vibrating signal to indicate a left or right turn.

These smart insole interacts with your smartphone giving you endless possibilities at your feet, you can set your destination and receive vibratory feedback showing you the way to go, set fitness goals, keep track of your steps and calories burnt, create workouts and track your activity. You can even get automatic notifications of landmarks around you, and an alert letting you know when you´ve left your phone behind. 

This sounds like a great navigational tool for anyone interested in subtle tech, but Lechal see their insoles as accessibility products. Visually impaired people can’t take advantage of many fitness trackers and navigational tools that others take for granted. By using haptic feedback for directions, visually impaired users can navigate new places after using the accessibility features on their smartphone.

The vibrations don’t just tell you left or right. There are different vibrations to orientate the user, send them in the right direction, and provide information about upcoming corners and their curvature. It’s a two-way system too as foot gestures can be used to tag locations, check if you’re going the right way, and even start and stop workouts.

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